Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bishop Blase Cupich, Monday May 21 Plenary Speaker

Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich, STD, Bishop of Spokane, Washington, joined us on Monday on the topic of "A Reconciling Church:  Recapturing Our Mission and Our Future".  After a very thought-provoking talk, members of the NACC engaged in table conversation around this topic and around the following questions:  "What gifts and skills do we, as chaplains, bring to the table that can help to reclaim the focus of our Catholic mission for those who follow?" and "Within the Catholic Church, how can chaplains model reconciliation as prophetic and visionary?"  Even if you were not at the conference, please spend some of your own time reflecting on those questions.  You can see from the pictures below, that these were very engaging questions for our attendees as well.

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